Super Mario Worker Project is an unofficial Mario editor based on Softendo's Mario Worker 1.1 (aka Game Maker ver.). It improves and expands MW 1.1 by adding new elements and fixing bugs with keeping its physics and level formats.

Mario and all relatives belong to Nintendo. Mario Worker, Super Mario Worker Project and INNOVATION LEAP are not affiliated with Nintendo in any way. Super Mario Worker Project is a non-profit game made by the fans, so no financial gain is made from the project.

SMWP is freeware and is completely free of charge. If you paid for this game, you were ripped off!

Latest stable version: v1.7.10



--Before executing the program--

  1. Make sure that .NET Framework 4 or newer is installed. If you're on Windows 7/XP, you will need to manually download and install it. If you're on Windows 8 or newer, then .NET Framework 4.5+ is installed by default and no operation is needed.
  2. Download Data.7z and extract the folder from the .7z archive. Make sure that Data folder is along with the SMWP executable.


  1. All these updates are based on Mario Worker 1.1.
  2. SMWP will save your level as .smwl format. You can load it with current or newer version of SMWP. If you load it with an old version of SMWP, some elements in your level may lose.
    Mario Worker 1.1 format (.mfl) can be loaded with SMWP, but SMWP won't save your level as .mfl.
  3. SMWP is still in development. If you encountered any problems, contact INNOVATION LEAP.


Q: What is Super Mario Worker Project? Is this developed by Softendo?
A: We have expected Softendo (aka Michał "Buziol" Gdaniec) to update Mario Worker 1.1 (aka Game Maker ver.), but all hopes have failed. Although there are multiple "Mario Workers" existing, MW (GM ver.) cannot be replaced by them in the Chinese Mario Worker community. In July 2015, INNOVATION LEAP started developing an unofficial heavy-updated version of MW (GM ver.), and we call it "Super Mario Worker Project".

Q: Is this stuff developed from scratch?
A: No. We obtained the source of Mario Worker that bundled with Mario Forever 4.1 (which is basically the same as 4.4), and we made bug fixing and new feature development based on it.

Q: I encountered grey screen.
A: Install .NET Framework 4 or newer.

Q: Why don't you add features that Mario Forever games have?
A:​ Since Mr. Buziol's code isn't well polished (just look at those countless bugs in MW 1.1), modifying existing features (including physics, parameters, etc.) hastily can break backward compatibility. The editor will be rebuilt in the next major version (v2.0), without relying upon Buziol's code - then these features can be considered.


Only Chinese version is currently available.
